Robust Coloring Optimization Model on Electricity Circuit Problems

Viona Prisyella Balqis, Diah Chaerani, Herlina Napitupulu


The Graph Coloring Problem (GCP) is assigning different colors to certain elements in a graph based on certain constraints and using a minimum number of colors. GCP can be drawn into optimization problems, namely the problem of minimizing the color used together with the uncertainty in using the color used, so it can be assumed that there is an uncertainty in the number of colored vertices. One of the mathematical optimization techniques in dealing with uncertainty is Robust Optimization (RO) combined with computational tools. This article describes a robust GCP using the Polyhedral Uncertainty Theorem and model validation for electrical circuit problems. The form of an electrical circuit color chart consists of corners (components) and edges (wires or conductors). The results obtained are up to 3 colors for the optimization model for graph coloring problems and up to 5 colors for robust optimization models for graph coloring problems. The results obtained with robust optimization show more colors because the results contain uncertainty. When RO GCP is applied to an electrical circuit, the model is used to place the electrical components in the correct path so that the electrical components do not collide with each other.


Robust Optimization; Graph Coloring Problem; Electricity Problem

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