Implementasi Metode New Jersey dalam Perhitungan Cadangan Premi dengan Suku Bunga Stokastik dan Konstan

Yuni Sulistyawati, Mujiati Dwi Kartikasari


Premium reserve allocation represents an obligation undertaken by insurance companies to set aside funds for future claims payment to policyholders. Some insurance companies have faced operational challenges, leading to their closure, primarily due to inaccurate premium reserve computations. This research aims to calculate premium reserve in lifelong insurance using the New Jersey method, an improvement upon the Illionis method. The New Jersey method initiates the premium reserve at the beginning or end of the first year at zero dollars. The majority of premium reserve calculations still rely on constant interest rates. However, in reality, this approach inadequately reflects future fluctuations in interest rates, which are crucial for long-term life insurance products. Therefore, this study implements a more realistic approach using stochastic elements, using the Vasicek stochastic interest rate model to determine premium reserve values. From this research, it was found that there was quite a significant difference between the New Jersey method premium reserve value and the two interest rates. The calculation graph shows that the premium reserve value using the Vasicek model of stochastic interest rates tends to be lower than when using constant interest rates. This can be caused by the results of non-constan variations in interest rates in the Vasicek model which ultimately results in fluctuations in interest rates which wffect the calculation of premium reserve.


Premium Reserve; Whole Life Insurance; New Jersey; Vasicek

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