The Effect of Student Adversity Quotient on Mathematics Test Scores Using PISA Questions

Adin Lazuardy Firdiansyah, Dewi Rosikhoh


This research aimed to determine the effect of student adversity quotient (AQ) on mathematic test scores of 12th-grade students in Pademawu High School, Pamekasan for geometry material. The questions used in the mathematic tests were PISA questions. The type of research was quasi-experimental research applying a quantitative method, and the populations selected were all students of class XII MIPA, as many as 115 people. By using a purposive sampling technique, the sample members were 90 people. Data was collected using questionnaires and tests. The questionnaire used contained 30 daily events, where each event had 2 questions. The math test contained 2 geometry questions. Furthermore, data collected was analysed using descriptive statistical and simple linear regression analysis. It was obtained that the regression model  Y=24,328+0,373X with Y was math test scores and X was AQ scores. From the model, the result showed that there was a significant positive interaction of AQ on the results of mathematic tests at 12th-grade students in Pademawu High School.


Adversity Quotient; Mathematics Test; PISA Questions

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