Peta Ide sebagai Strategi Menulis Deskriptif Teks pada Siswa Pontren Al-Falah

Magvirah El Walidayni Kau, Irmawaty Umar, Nurlaila Husain, Indri Wirahmi Bay, Sri Widyarti Ali, Helena Badu, Fahria Malabar



Writing is a simple and enjoyable activity. Students can be helped with various strategies to express their ideas, thoughts, and feelings in writing. This service is provided to assist Madrasah Aliyah Al-Falah students in writing descriptive texts using mind mapping strategy. The students liked the strategy because it motivated them to write descriptive texts in a fun way. Mind mapping is still the recommended strategy for writing descriptive texts because it can create a pleasant classroom environment, encourage students to be more creative in expressing their ideas, and improve writing results.

Keywords: descriptive text, mind mapping

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