Garbage consists of materials discarded as a result of human activity in their daily lives, which do not have economic value. There are two types of waste: organic and inorganic. Organic waste is easy to decompose, while inorganic waste is more challenging to break down. Most waste can be repurposed into something useful. For instance, organic waste can be processed through composting. In this community service initiative, participants were trained in converting household waste into compost. The training took place at the Gili Timur Village Hall in Kamal District, Bangkalan, on November 27, 2022. The target audience was the residents of Gili Timur Village, particularly housewives. Various types of waste, including husks, dry leaves, household organic waste, sugar solution, water, and EM4, were used to create compost. The composter was constructed from stacked buckets, yielding both solid and liquid compost. The training and subsequent assistance had a positive impact on the East Gili housewives' community. Participants gained an understanding of how to process organic waste into compost. By using their own compost products, they can meet their fertilizer needs without relying on chemicals. Additionally, the utilization of organic waste has helped reduce waste volume around Gili Timur Village.
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