Author Guidelines
Jambura Physics Journal (JPJ) provides a place for academics, researchers, and practitioners to publish scientific articles that are the results of research, conceptual thoughts, and reviews. All texts sent to JPJ editors are accepted in Indonesian and or English. The maximum number of pages is 15 pages (last edit)
1.1 General Guidelines
The manuscript is typed using the MS program. Word (Book Antiqua font 12 pt), A4 paper size (21x29.7 cm), using margins 3 cm from the left, 2.5 cm from the top, bottom, and right. Spacing 1, except for Book Antiqua font abstract 101 pt space 1, a maximum of 15 pages including tables and figures, and each page of the manuscript is given a page number in a sequence.
The layout of tables and figures
Illustration of research results in the form of drawings can be in the form of maps, photographs, flow charts, neural charts, or charts. Images or tables can be placed in a text box placed at the top or bottom of the page. The images are arranged logically so that the information conveyed can be understood correctly. The images are numbered sequentially with the title and number of the Image under the Figure, while the Data in the table is arranged logically so that the information conveyed can be understood correctly. The tables are numbered sequentially with the title and table number above the table.
Equations must be numbered in parentheses as shown in Equation (1). Equations must be prepared using Equation (not in image format). The equation number must be placed on the right-hand side.
Submission of the manuscript is done online through the JPJ Website by registering in advance on the page If there are difficulties in uploading the script online, please contact the JPJ Editor via e-mail:
1.2 Composition of Manuscripts
Manuscripts that are written and compiled contain at least the material in the following order: title, author's name, affiliation, and address, abstract in Indonesian and English, introduction, material review (optional), research methodology, results and discussion, conclusions, suggestions (optional), Acknowledgments (optional), reference.
Title. Describe the main contents of the text concisely and clearly, a maximum of 14 words, written for manuscripts in Indonesian, and written for manuscripts in English.
The author's full name. Written completely and without a title, beginning with the last name (surname/surname), then separated by spaces, and followed by abbreviations or first letters of the first name and middle name using uppercase letters, separated by spaces and ending with periods.
The full address of the author. The institution's full name is written, the author's origin, and the address of the municipal agency, postal code, and country, as well as the e-mail address for the correspondence.
Abstract. Abstracts contain information about the research carried out and must stand alone, meaning that there are no excerpts from other people's findings in the abstract. The abstract must be concise, clear, and specific that contains a review of the reasons for the study, the purpose of the study, the approach or method used, the results, and the conclusions. Abstracts are written in one paragraph, consisting of 100 to 200 words, and written in English for Indonesian and English texts. Include keywords no more than 5 words and be written alphabetically, keywords represent the contents of the manuscript so that it makes it easier in the process of searching the manuscript. (Times New Roman 11pt single). Keywords can consist of one word or phrase, separated by semicolons.
Introduction. In compiling the introduction, the author explains the following matters: (1) the importance of the field of research being studied, (2) explains specifically about matters relating to the research conducted that has been studied by other researchers as a basis for information, (3) explain the research problem or the need for research being researched to fill research gaps that have existed, (4) explain the purpose of the research.
Literature Review (Optional). Literature review, containing theories or research results that are relevant to the article submitted, citing the work of a person or group of people follow the style of a journal template reference citation (Nuayi, 2018). The citation style can also be done with the following examples (Supu & Nuayi, 2016) or (Yusuf et al., 2015). References that can be used as a reference source are references published in the last 10 years, except for referral sources that come from textbooks. Citation in writing and writing a bibliography uses the American Psychological Association (APPA) 7th edition. References that can be used as a reference source are references published in the last 10 years, except for referral sources that come from textbooks. Citations in writing and bibliography use the American Psychological Association (APPA) 7th edition style. (Times New Roman, 12 pt 1.5 space), if not included, then the literature review is included or is a part of the introduction
Research methodology. The methodology explains the stages of the research carried out in a structured manner to achieve the research objectives. The research method must provide complete information about various matters relating to the research process carried out. The research method explains concisely and concisely the research methods used including the specifications of materials and tools, sampling techniques, measurement/research procedures, research designs, stages of work methods, parameters, and data analysis.
"This section provides all the methodological details needed for other researchers to duplicate your work. For qualitative research, this section can be different ".
Results and Discussion. The results and discussion present the results obtained briefly and can be supported by illustrations in the form of tables, pictures, or qualitative descriptions. Scientific findings obtained from the results of research that have been carried out are described in this chapter but must be supported by adequate data. The explanation of the findings in research must be supported by relevant literature. The author is expected to dare to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the research results obtained by comparing the results of research with hypotheses, quality standards, and/or the results of previous studies that are similar or similar through the inclusion and use of primary reference libraries in the discussion. The discussion must have a clear relationship with important issues contained in the Introduction, be able to fill gaps or gaps that must be answered in the study, and be able to answer the research objectives. The impact of the research conducted should also be described at the end of the discussion.
Conclusion. A statement of conclusions must be done carefully and carefully. In conclusion, the author must and only answer the problem and research objectives formulated in the Introduction, not as a summary of research results. Without clear Conclusions, reviewers and readers will find it difficult to judge the work, and whether or not it is worthy of publication in continuing.
Suggestions (Optional). Suggestions contain research recommendations that might be carried out by other parties who are interested in the results of the research that has been done
Acknowledgments. Include the names of agencies that have contributed to helping the implementation of research. Also include the name of the research funding agency (if any).
Reference. The references contain references to the literature used in the text and written in the format of the family name and year of publication, ordered by the first letter of the first author's name. The literature used is preferred primary references (journals and patents or textbooks for theories) that are relevant to the topic under study, maximum derived from references published in the last 10 years. Avoid excessive self-citations, anonymous citation sources. It is recommended to use the Reference Manager Application such as Mendeley, Zotero, etc. All citations in the text must be included in the references.
Example of writing a reference (APA Style):
From Journal
Hidayatullah, W., Syukri, M., & Syukriyadin, S. (2016). Perancangan Prototype Penghasil Energi Listrik Berbahan Dasar Piezoelectric. Jurnal Online Teknik Elektro, 1(3), 63–67.
Lefeuvre, E., Sebald, G., Guyomar, D., Lallart, M., & Richard, C. (2009). Materials, structures, and power interfaces for efficient piezoelectric energy harvesting. Journal of Electroceramics, 22(1), 171–179.
Irzaman, Syafutra, H., Rancasa, E., Nuayi, A. W., Rahman, T. G. N., Nuzulia, N. A., Supu, I., Sugianto, Tumimomor, F., Surianty, Muzikarno, O., & Masrur. (2013). The effect of Ba/Sr ratio on electrical and optical properties of Ba x Sr (1-x)TiO3 (x = 0.25; 0.35; 0.45; 0.55) thin-film semiconductor. Ferroelectrics, 445(1), 4–17.
Supriandani, Y., & Ekawati, E. (2015). Perancangan dan Implementasi Karpet Piezoelektrik Untuk Pemanenan Energi. In Fi. T. A. Sobar, H. Mahardika, & D. Irwanto (Eds.), Seminar Kontribusi Fisika (SKF) 2015 (pp. 145–152). Program Studi Magister Pengajaran Fisika Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Institut Teknologi Bandung.
Anderson, L., Krathwohl, D.R., Airasian, P., Cruikshank, K., Mayer, R., Pintrich, P., Raths, J., Wittrock, M. 2001. A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: a revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Education Objectives. New York: Addison Wesley Longman.
Beer, F. P., Johnston Jr, E. R., & Dewolf, J. T. (2006). Mechanics of Materials (Fourth). MC Graw Hill.
Eggen, P., & Kauchak, D. 2012. Strategies and Models for Teaching: Teaching Content and Thinking Skills, sixth Edition. Terjemahan satrio Wahono. Jakarta: PT. Indeks.
Holden, J. (2017). An Introduction to Physical Geography and the Environment 4 edition. England: Pearson.
Jonassen, D.H. 2005. "Tools for Representing Problems and the Knowledge Required to Solve Them". S.-O. Tergan and T. Keller (Eds): Knowledge and Information Visualization, LNCS 3426, pp. 82-94.
Madia, A. A. (2017). Prototype Alat Penghasil Listrik Dari Tekanan Mekanik Berbasis Piezoelektrik. In Skripsi. Universitas Hasanudin.
Dahono, P. A. (2016). Energi Terbarukan. The Institution of Engineers Indonesia. [23 Oktober 2019]