Oktavia Oktavia, Diani Lestari, Risna Kirana Rokar, Widodo Budi Kurniawan


The limited supply of wood as a raw material in various industries requires a better alternative material. Wasted-based composite engineering can be a solution to this problem. What's more, composite can be engineered according to needs, such as having the ability to reduce heat to maintain comfortable room temperature conditions. Therefore, in this research, a particle board reinforced by pineapple leaf fiber waste and HVS paper waste was developed to know the effect of the particle board reinforcement composition on reducing heat. In this research, a comparison of pineapple leaf fiber waste and HVS paper waste was used at 100%:0%; 70%:30%; 50%:50%; 30%:70%; and 0%:100% with resin adhesive. This particle board is made by mixing all the ingredients and then printing it into a mold and then carrying out the drying process. The test was carried out based on a temperature difference analysis. The most optimum particle board reinforcement composition to reduce heat is 100% pineapple leaf fiber waste : 0% HVS paper waste.


Pineapple leaf fiber; HVS paper


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