Perbandingan Fuzzy Time Series Lee untuk Meramalkan Nilai Tukar Petani di Provinsi Gorontalo

Alvitha Habibie, Lailany Yahya, Isran K. Hasan


Gorontalo Province is one of the provinces in Indonesia where 60% of the population are farmers and fishermen. As much as 28,66% of PDRB in Gorontalo Province in 2020 was contributed by the agricultural sector. Farmer's Exchange Rate is a measurement capability of agricultural products in producing goods or services. Therefore, NTP forecasting is needed so that it becomes a reference in the future in making a decision to increase the agricultural sector. In this study, a comparison was made of the Holt Winters Exponential Smoothing method with Lee's Fuzzy Time Series to find out which is the best forecasting method for predicting NTP in Gorontalo Province. Based on the forecasting results, the accuracy value obtained from FTS Lee has a mape value of 0,65557% for FTS Lee order 1 and 0,55607%. While the accuracy value obtained by the multiplicative Holt Winters Exponential Smoothing is 5.92509% and the additive Holt Winters Exponential Smoothing is 6,14574%. From the forecasting results obtained, it can be concluded that the best method for predicting NTP in Gorontalo Province is the FTS Lee Order 2 method. 


Farmer's Exchange Rate; Fuzzy Time Series Lee; Holt Winters Exponential Smoothing

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