Profil Vo2max Atlet Beladiri Gorontalo Persiapan Pon Aceh-Sumut 2024

Suriyadi Datau, Al Ilham


Cardiovascular endurance is an important component in the performance of martial arts athletes, especially in facing high and continuous physical intensity demands. One of the main indicators in assessing cardiovascular endurance capacity is VOâ‚‚Max, which is the maximum volume of oxygen that the body can consume per unit time during maximum physical activity. VOâ‚‚Max is crucial in martial arts that require endurance and speed over a long period of time. This study aims to examine the VOâ‚‚Max profile in Gorontalo martial arts athletes participating in the 2024 Aceh-North Sumatra National Sports Week (PON). The study was conducted through a descriptive quantitative approach using the Multistage Fitness Test (MFT) method to measure athletes' VOâ‚‚Max. Data were obtained from 9 Gorontalo martial arts athletes representing various sports, such as taekwondo, karate, wushu, muaythai, and kick boxing. The measurement results showed that the average VOâ‚‚Max of athletes was 41.31 ml/kg/minute with a standard deviation of 5.26, which was spread in the categories of "very good" to "poor." These findings indicate variations in aerobic capacity among athletes, which are related to the physical needs of each martial art. Based on these results, a specific training program is recommended that can increase VOâ‚‚Max, especially for athletes in the "sufficient" and "less" categories to achieve optimal endurance. These findings provide useful input for coaches to develop training programs that are more in line with the cardiovascular needs of athletes in preparation for the 2024 PON.


VOâ‚‚Max, Cardiovascular Endurance, Martial Arts Athletes, National Sports Week, Multistage Fitness Test

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