Jambura Science of Management - January 2019
Table of Contents
Organizational Climate Conditions and Work Productivity of State Civil Apparatus Towards the Year of Politics in Gorontalo Province
DOI : 10.37479/jsm.v1i1.1980 | Abstract views : 766 times
Agus Hakri Bokingo,
Effect of Employee Mutation on Job Stress in Gorontalo District Health Office
DOI : 10.37479/jsm.v1i1.1981 | Abstract views : 702 times
Pratiwi Biki,
Occupational Safety and Health Employees at PT. PLN Area of Gorontalo City
DOI : 10.37479/jsm.v1i1.2002 | Abstract views : 500 times
Melan Angriani Asnawi,
Testing the Four Factors of the Carhart Model Against Excess Return of Shares in Companies Registered in the Kompas 100 Index for the 2014-2016 Period
DOI : 10.37479/jsm.v1i1.1983 | Abstract views : 462 times
Delvira Mahmud,
Comparison of Financial Performance Analysis of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia. Tbk and PT. Indosat. Tbk Period 2012-2016
DOI : 10.37479/jsm.v1i1.1984 | Abstract views : 548 times
Novarolina Dai,