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Haryono, Agus, Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Merdeka Malang University, Jawa Timur (Indonesia)
Hasniaty, Hasniaty, Magister Management Program, Universitas Fajar (Indonesia)
Herditya, Alfin Achmad Fahmi, Management-Faculty of Business and Economics-Merdeka Malang University-Jawa Timur (Indonesia)
Hertati, Lesi, Faculty of Economic, Indo Global Mandiri University Sumatra Selatan-Indonesia (Indonesia)
Hidayat, Sukarmin, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Al-Azhar Indonesia (Indonesia)
Husain, Fauziah, Department of Islamic Banking, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo (Indonesia)
Husain, Siti Pratiwi, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (Indonesia)

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