Identifikasi Penggolongan Obat Berdasarkan Peresepan Obat Hipertensi di Instalasi Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit
The cause of hypertension is not clearly known, but risk factors that cause hypertension are found, namely the elderly or the elderly, in the form of a family history of hypertension, excess body weight and excessive salt levels. Hypertension is the third leading cause of death in Indonesia with a CFR (Case Fetality Rate) of 4.81%. Causes of the elderly suffer from hypertension due to reduced work functions in the human body. This study aims to determine the characteristics (gender and age) and classes of drugs prescribed to outpatient hypertension patients at RSUD Dr. Achmad Diponegoro Putussibau. This research is an observational study with a retrospective descriptive research design. From the results of the study, it was found that there were 55 hypertension patients with medical record data, based on gender the number of women was 62% and based on the age of 60-74 years by 80%. The class of drugs that are widely used are ACE-Inhibitors by 31%. Comorbidities that often accompany hypertension patients are diabetes mellitus by 40%. The dosage form is tablets by 90%, with the route of using the drug orally by 100%. The conclusion is that the use of drugs in hypertensive patients in the outpatient installation of RSUD Dr. Achmad Diponegoro Putussibau is mostly women. The majority occur at the age of 60-74 years, the most widely used drug class is the ACE-Inhibitor group with tablet dosage form and the oral route of use is the most widely used.
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