Pengaruh Pemberian Hard Candy dari Infusa Kopi Hijau Robusta (Coffea canefora L.) Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus

Rusman Rusman, Nur Alfiah Irfiyanti


a disease with chronic metabolic disorders characterized by high blood glucose levels as a result of insulin resistance is known as diabetes mellitus. Indonesia is among the 7th of the top 10 countries which are estimated to have a diabetes mellitus sufferer of 5.4 million in 2045 and have a low blood sugar control rate. Robusta coffee is the most popular drink, and contains chlorogenic acid, which has anti-diabetic mellitus properties. This study aims to examine the hard candy formulation of robusta green coffee bean infusion (Coffea canephora L) on blood glucose levels and creatinine levels in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus. the research method was conducted observational, with the free and post design method. This research was conducted at the Pajjaiang clinic in September-October 2020 on prolanis patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus. A total of 25 patients were given Hard candy formulation from robusta green coffee bean infusion for 3-4 weeks. The results of the study based on the SPSS data analysis showed that there was an effect on reducing blood glucose levels in diabetes mellitus patients, and the results of the GFR calculation showed no significant effect on creatinine function in diabetes mellitus patients.


Diabetes Mellitus, hard candy, robusta coffee

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