Rapid and Simultan Determination of Phenylbutazone in Herbal Remedies Using Infrared Spectroscopy Combined With Chemometric

Ardi Nugroho, Mas Muhammad Luqman Imam Al – As’ari


Phenylbutazone is one of common adulterated drug in herbal remedies. According to legal regulations in indonesia, it is prohibited to adulterate those ingredients in herbal remedies. So, it is an urgent need to develop rapid, and reliable method for detection and determination adulterants in herbal medicine. This study aims for the detection and determination of Phenylbutazone in herbal remedies using ATR-FTIR spectroscopic combined with chemometrics. Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression (SMLR) was used identify the relationship between concentrations and wave numbers. All samples (Unadulterated and adulterated) were classified and discriminated respectively to their added contents with perfect accuracy and precision. The results suggest that existence of the active substance could be successfully determined at the levels in the range of 0.01 to 85 mg in totally 100 mg of herbal remedies with RMSECV 0.016054643 and R2 0.9984 respectively by using ATR-FTIR technique combined with chemometrics.


Phenylbutazone, adulteration, ATR-FTIR, chemometrics

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37311/jsscr.v4i2.14382


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  Department of Pharmacy, Gorontalo State University
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