Formulasi Serbuk Instan Ekstrak Pegagan (Centella asiatica) dan Jahe Merah (Zingiber Officinale Roscoe Var. Rubrum)

Sri Luliana, Saumi Amalia, Isnindar Isnindar


Gotu Kola and red ginger combination in form of instant powders is still limited. Instant powders usage as healthy drink have several advantages, such as large surface area that leads to freely soluble and dispersed. Fillers is crucial in instant powder formulation because it can affects physical properties of instant powders. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of maltodextrin and lactose as fillers and the finest formula on physical properties. Gotu kola and red ginger instant powders were made in 3 formula with various concentrations of maltodextrin and lactose, namely F1 (8:2), F2 (5:5), F3 (2:8). Instant powders evaluation included organoleptic test, tapped test, soluble time, water content, and pH test. Data is analyzed by using normality shapiro wilk test, kruskal wallis, and mann whitney test. Results showed that F1, F2, F3 have yellow colored, ginger scented, and mildly sweet, tapped test (15,89;14,00;13,33%) soluble time (6,07;4,06;4,39), water content (2,76;1,80;1,18%) dan pH test (6,22;6,24;6,19) the results of the analysis of the data obtained showed significant differences in the soluble time and water content tests. Conclusion of this study is various concentration of maltodextrin and lactose showed significance difference towards instant powder physical properties, spesifically onsoluble time and water content, formula resulting instant powders with finest physical properties is formula 2.


Gotu Kola; Red Ginger; powders; Maltodexstrin; Lactose

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