Gambaran Penggunaan Obat Antipsikotik pada Pasien Skizofrenia di Puskesmas Kota Gorontalo

Herlina Jusuf, Madania Madania, Fika Nuzul Ramadhani, Dizky Ramadani Putri Papeo, Maryam Kalasi


Schizophrenia is one of the most common forms of psychotic mental disorder, with the main symptoms being the absence of self-understanding (insight) and the inability to assess reality (reality testing ability is disturbed). This study aimed to determine the description of the antipsychotic drug's usage, including the drug classes, types, doses, and medication rules in schizophrenia patients at the Kota Selatan Public Health Center, Gorontalo City. This observational study used secondary data and was conducted retrospectively. Further, data obtained from the medical records of 25 schizophrenia patients were analyzed univariately. The results disclosed that schizophrenia was more experienced by men (60%), more prevalent in the age range of 36-45 years (52%), and unmarried (48%)The most widely used antipsychotic drugs were atypical groups (72%). The most widely used type of drug was Risperidone 2 mg with a rule of use of 2 x 1 (39%) and 1 x 1 (9%). Clozapine, 25 mg. with a rule of 2 x 1 was 14%, and 1 x 1 was 9%. Meanwhile, the had 28% consisting typical group only of chlorpromazine 25 mg with tule of use of 1x 1 (12%), haloperidol with a dose of 1.5 mg with a rule of use of 2 sikzonoate 25 mg/ml with 1 x 1 was 5%.


Schizophrenia; Medication; Antipsychotics

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