Artikel Review: Peran Antioksidan Flavonoid dalam Menghambat Radikal Bebas
Degenerative diseases are now one of the diseases with the highest prevalence in the world of health. One of the causes of various degenerative diseases is free radicals. In order to prevent the increasing growth of free radicals, a compound called an antioxidant is needed. Antioxidant compounds can be obtained naturally, one of which is from plants. Plants have various secondary metabolite compounds, one of which has the potential as an antioxidant is flavonoids. Flavonoids have three working mechanisms to prevent free radicals, including inhibiting the formation of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species), destroying (Reactive Oxygen Species), and regulating and protecting with antioxidants. The purpose of compiling this article review is to provide information and knowledge about the role of flavonoids as antioxidants in plants. This review article is compiled using a comparative method and searches from various sources such as (Google, Google Scholar, NCBI, PubMed). Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it is known that flavonoid compounds have the potential as antioxidants that have been tested in vitro and in vivo. This shows that flavonoid compounds are able to act as antioxidants to prevent the growth of free radicals.
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