Efektivitas Gel Ekstrak Biji Kelor (Moringa oleifera L.) terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Diabetes Melitus

Nurhikma Awaluddin, Hikmawati Hikmawati, Rizky Indah Pratiwi, Akbar Awaluddin


Diabetic wounds are infections and wounds in people with diabetes mellitus. Moringa seeds (Moringa oleifera L) are empirically used by the community as a medicine for diabetes mellitus. This study aims to determine the potential effectiveness of Moringa seed extract gel on wound healing in diabetic male white rats. Diabetes induction was carried out using alloxan. In the animal model, a wound was made using a 6 mm biopsy on the back. The test animals were divided into 6 groups and received gel base preparation, duoderm hydroactive gel, Moringa seed extract gel preparation in concentrations of 5%, 10% and 15%. Gel application is done once a day for 27 days. Wound healing parameters are carried out by measuring the wound diameter using a digital caliper and expressed as the percentage of wound healing. The test results showed that administering Moringa seed extract gel could accelerate wound healing in the male white rat (Rattus norvegicus) model of diabetes where a 5% concentration of Moringa seed extract gel provided healing on the 16th day, a 10% concentration gel preparation on the 16th day and gel preparations with a concentration of 15% on day 2. The results also showed that the average percentage of wound healing in the 15% concentration group was higher than the 5% and 10% concentrations. It can be concluded that administering Moringa seed extract gel can heal wounds in a model of diabetic male white mice.


Diabetic wounds; Moringa seeds; Moringa oleifera L; Wound healing; White rat; Rattus norvegicus

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37311/jsscr.v6i2.28001


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  Department of Pharmacy, Gorontalo State University
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