Muhamad Handoyo Sahumena, Ruslin Ruslin, Asriyanti Asriyanti, Endah Nurrohwinta Djuwarno


Jamu is a traditional medicine that contains ingredients or ingredients derived from plants, animals, minerals, or mixtures of these ingredients that have been hereditary for medicinal use. However, some industry players add Medicinal Chemicals (BKO) such as mefenamic acid into herbal medicine. This study aims to determine the validity of the method in the analysis of mefenamic acid by UV-Vis spectrophotometry on herbs circulating in several markets in Kendari City. The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling method so that it gets 5 herbal samples. The study began with method validation to ensure the accuracy of the method in determining the level of mefenamic acid in the sample. The results of the method validation show that this method is good for detecting the presence of mefenamic acid BKO in herbal medicine with a validation parameter value that is the correlation value (r) of 0.998; detection limit (LOD) 0.48 µg / mL; limit of quantification (LOQ) 1.63 µg / mL; intraday and interday precision expressed with the value of relative standard deviation% respectively 0.014% and 0.013%; and the accuracy stated in% recovery is 95.41% (80%), 99.04% (100%), and 102.5% (120%). The results of the analysis of the sample using a validated method showed that there were herbs with mefenamic acid BKO content of 0.8%.


Jamu; Spectrophotometry UV-Vis; Mefenamic Acid

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Metode spektrofotometri UV-Vis untuk analisis asam mefenamat, diperoleh linieritas 0,998 dari rentang konsentrasi 1-9 µg/mL, batas deteksi 0,48µg/mL dan batas kuantifikasi 1,63µg/mL.Metode spektrofotometri UV-Vis menunjukan presisi yang baik dengan %RSD yang diperoleh baik presisi intraday dan presisi interday adalah ≤2% yaitu 0,014% untuk presisi intraday dan presisi interday rata rata%RSD adalah 0,013%, rata-rata % recovery dari ketiga konsentrasi 1 µg/mL, 5µg/mL, dan 9 µg/mL secara berturut-turut adalah 95,41%, 99,4% dan 102.5%.

Kadar BKO jamu yang positif mengandung BKO asam mefenamat di pasar Kota Kendari yaitu 0,8%.


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