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Analisis Kandungan Mineral Pasir Pantai Kurenai Kabupaten Bone Bolango menggunakan X-Ray Fluoroescence

Tiara Lapalutu, Idawati Supu, Andi Ramadani


This study aims to determine the sand content of Kurenai Beach in Bone Bolango Regency. Information regarding the content of this sand is crucial to visualize the future potential for manufacturing of novel materials based on mineral deposits in Kurenai Beach sand. This study was carried out at the Materials Physics Laboratory of the Physics Department at Gorontalo State University. The white sand content was analysed using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). The result of this study indicate that the sand from Kurenai Beach in Bone Bolango Regency has a mineral content that is dominated by Ca, Fe and Sr.


Pasir Pantai Kurenai; Mineral Alam; XRF

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