Author Guidelines
Tomini Sports provides a platform for academics, researchers and practitioners to publish scientific articles in the fields of football and futsal. All texts sent to the Tomini Sports editorial team are received in Indonesian and English. Make sure your paper is prepared using the Tomini Sports Template. A maximum of 10 pages can be created (final edit)
1. General Guidelines Manuscripts are typed using the MS program. Word (12 pt Arial font), A4 paper size (21x29.7cm), using 2 cm margins on all sides, 1 space, maximum 10 pages including tables and figures and each page of the manuscript is numbered sequentially. Illustrations of research data in the form of images can be in the form of maps, photos, flow diagrams, nerves, or charts. Images or tables can be placed in text boxes placed at the top or bottom of the page. The data in the table is arranged logically so that the information conveyed can be understood correctly. Tables are numbered sequentially with the title and table number above the table. Equations must be numbered in parentheses. Equations must be prepared using equations (not in image format). The equation number must be placed on the right side. Submission of manuscripts is done online via the Tomini Sports website by registering first. The website address is If you have difficulty uploading your manuscript online, you can contact the Tomini Sports Editorial Team via email: or wa/tlp: 0821-8878-0104
2. The preparation of the manuscript must contain at least the following material: title, author's name, affiliation and address, abstract in English and Indonesian, introduction, methods, results and discussion, conclusion, thanks (optional), references. The title of the article that represents the entire contents of the article (English) [15 words, Sentence case, 12 pt, Arial]
Abstract is a miniature of the article as the main description of the reader of your article. The abstract contains all the components of the article in a concise manner (objectives, methods, results, and conclusions). 150 - 200 words long (may not be outside of this provision), do not write a bibliography, and are written in one paragraph. Abstract written in English. Equipped with 3-6 keywords The
Introduction leads the reader to the key topic. Background or introduction answers why the research or review was performed (research urgency), what previous researchers did, the currently developing scientific articles, research novelty, objectives of the article writing, and what contribution should be delivered from the research findings goals. [Arial 12, justified, 1.5 space]
Research method writing contains research design, place and time, population and sample, sampling technique, data measurement technique, and data analysis. It is better to use passive sentences and narrative sentences, not imperative sentences. [Arial 12, justified, 1.5 space] Equation and formula. All equations and formulas should be referred to in the text using orderly numbers in brackets; see equation (1), for example.
The equation or formula displayed should be centered and arranged in a separate line with an extra room above and under. They should be given a number for reference, and the number should be consecutive, with the number in brackets and placed on the right margin. In outlining the result, one should only describe research results of data acquired in the research or field observation and data analysis interpretation. This section is outlined without providing discussion and should be written in logical sentences. The result is applicable in the form of a table, text, or figure. The table title is written in a title case, with subtitles in each column. It should be simple, not complicated, showing the table's presence in the text (e.g., see table 1), without the vertical line, and written above the table.
Discussion is the most important part of the overall content of scientific articles. The discussion aims to answer the research problem or show how the research objectives were achieved and interpret/analyze the results. Start by presenting the findings. Then relate it to previous theories and research, whether the findings strengthen or correct existing findings/theories. Emphasize new and important aspects. Discuss what is written in the results but do not repeat the results. Include a discussion of the impact of the research and its limitations The conclusion contains answers to research questions.
Conclusions must address specific objectives. This section is written in essay form and does not contain numbers. Authors sometimes need to express gratitude to people/groups of people/organizations/institutions for their support so that research can be carried out properly.
The number of bibliography/references in the article is at least 20 sources, of which 80% of all references are from national or international journal articles. If the author creates self-citations in his article, the maximum number of articles is expected to be 2. References use the APA 6th Edition. Use reference tools (EndNote, Mendeley, or Zotero) to write references.
Primary References (Journals):
Araujo, G. De, Gobatto, F. M.-, Papoti, M., Camargo, B., & Gobatto, C. (2014). Anaerobic and Aerobic Performances in Elite Basketball Players. Journal of Human Kinetics, 42, 137–147.
Hoffmann, J. J., Reed, J. P., Leiting, K., Chiang, C. Y., & Stone, M. H. (2014). Repeated sprints, high-intensity interval training, small-sided games: Theory and application to field sports. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 9(2), 352–357.
Allsabah, M. A. H., & Sugito. (2021). Bola Basket: Permainan dan Pembelajaran. Insan Cendekia
Mandiri. Coker, C. A. (2017). Motor learning and control for practitioners. New York: Routledge.
Nurkholis, Moh. (2015). Kontribusi Pendidikan Jasmani dalam Menciptakan SDM yang Berdaya Saing di Era Global. Prosiding. Seminar Nasional Olahraga UNY Yogyakarta; 192-201.
Thesis/Dissertation: Hanief, Y.N. (2014). Pengaruh Latihan Pliometrik dan Panjang Tungkai Terhadap Kecepatan Renang Gaya Dada 50 M. Skripsi. Program Studi Pendidikan Kepelatihan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.