Pemanfaatan Bonggol Jagung Menjadi Produk Bernilai Tambah "Briket" di Desa Helumo, Kecamatan Suwawa, Kabupaten Bone Bolango
This community service activity aims to provide direct education and training to the community consist of production, packaging and marketing to the use of corn cobs as waste and processed into briquettes which can provide business opportunities for Helumo Village, Suwawa Sub District, Bone, Bolango District. in Gorontalo Province. Corn is a main commodity in Gorontalo Province and is available in large quantities in this village, considering that corn cobs as waste, this idea is expected to provide benefits to the Helumo Village Community. Briquettes from corn cobs are very easy to process and are done by both farmers and housewives in this Village. Based on the results of service activities through discussions with the community, the community seemed enthusiastic as evidenced by the many suggestions and questions regarding its processing and utilization. At the end, it was discovered that these briquettes were still only used on a small scale (for prayer and religious activities), so they still needed further testing for household use.
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