1. Plagiarism Policy

AGRINESIA: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat acknowledges that plagiarism is an unacceptable act under any circumstances, as it is viewed as a serious violation. Therefore, every manuscript submitted to AGRINESIA: Journal of Scientific Community Engagement will be examined using plagiarism detection software. Manuscripts with a maximum similarity of 20% are allowed for publication. However, for manuscripts with a similarity level above 20%, they will be returned to the authors for revision, and once revised, they can be resubmitted. If the author fails to make the necessary corrections according to the journal's policy, the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board will regrettably decide to reject the manuscript.

AGRINESIA: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat acknowledges plagiarism as a serious offense, establishing the following policy that outlines specific actions (penalties) when someone's article is identified as plagiarized.


Plagiarism is the intentional or unintentional act of acquiring or attempting to gain recognition or credit for scientific work by citing all or part of the work of others and/or scientific work acknowledged as their own without properly and fully indicating its source.

For that, then:

Articles must be original, not previously published, and not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Material obtained orally from other sources must be properly noted to distinguish it from the original text. If plagiarism is detected, the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board are responsible for reviewing the article and will approve actions based on the revealed plagiarism level, in accordance with the regulations below:

Plagiarism Levels:

  • Copying some short sentences from another article without citing the source.

Action: The author is given a warning and asked to modify the text and cite it correctly.

  • Copying a significant portion of another article without proper citation and without mentioning the source.

Action: The submitted article is rejected for publication, and the author may be sanctioned by not being allowed to publish in the AGRINESIA: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat for 3 years or even longer (according to the decision of the Editorial Board).

The author is responsible for the entire content of the manuscript submitted to AGRINESIA: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat. If the article is proven to be plagiarized, the author will be subject to sanctions as per the policy of this journal. If it is confirmed that the author submits the manuscript to AGRINESIA: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat while also submitting it to another journal, and this overlap is found during the review process or after publication, action will be taken in accordance with point 2 above.

Similarity Check with Applications/Software: Before submitting a manuscript to AGRINESIA: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, authors are expected to first check the level of similarity of the manuscript using available online applications or software, whether free or paid. Here are five free online software that can be used to detect plagiarism:







2. Manuscript Withdrawal

We understand that authors work diligently in preparing manuscripts, and we have undergone the peer-review process. However, there is always the possibility that a published publication will be withdrawn or even retracted for scientific reasons. This should not be done casually and should only be done in extraordinary (urgent) situations. Therefore, if necessary, withdrawal and revocation will be carried out based on strict criteria to maintain trust in the electronic journal files. Authors are allowed to withdraw submitted articles if they have not yet undergone the review process. If it has passed the review process, the author is required to pay a withdrawal fee. Notices of withdrawal of submitted articles are notified through OJS and are not allowed through other channels. If the author fails to pay the stipulated withdrawal fee, the author will be included in the journal's blacklist. Authors included in the journal's blacklist cannot publish their articles in the AGRINESIA: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat.


3. Retraction

AGRINESIA: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat contributes to the integrity of scientific writing. Therefore, an article can be retracted if caused by one or more problems that can be proven by the author, such as the following issues:

  • There is a substantial scientific error that can invalidate the conclusions of the article, such as when there is clear evidence that the findings are inaccurate, either due to fraud (such as data falsification) or honest errors (such as misunderstanding, lack of data, or information).
  • The research has been published elsewhere without citation, authorization, or adequate justification (i.e., cases of excessive publication).
  • Plagiarism (appropriation of ideas, methods, findings, or words of others without giving due credit, especially those obtained through a confidential study of the work of others) or inappropriate authorship occurs.

AGRINESIA: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat follows the retraction procedures outlined below to ensure that retraction is handled in accordance with best publishing practices and COPE Retraction Guidelines.