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Author Guidelines

A. Manuscript Submission

Euler: Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika, Sains dan Teknologi is a national journal intended as a communication forum for mathematicians and other scientists from many practitioners who use mathematics in the research. Euler received a manuscript in areas of study mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics, applied statistics, and mathematics of education. Manuscripts should be submitted online It is understood that the submitted paper is not being considered for publication in other journals. All articles for this journal must be submitted using our online submissions system.

B. Reviewing of Manuscripts

Each received paper will be sent to at least two reviewers for evaluation. We use the double-blind peer-review process. The decision is made based on the evaluation reports from the reviewers. Whenever necessary, we ask a third reviewer to evaluate the paper.

C. Form of Manuscript

The paper should be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English. Manuscripts should be prepared by using the provided template on MS Word which can be downloaded from our website. 

D. Composition of Manuscripts

Manuscripts must contain at least the following material: title, author's name, affiliation and address, abstract and keywords, introduction, method or model, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments (optional), and reference.

Title. Describe the main contents of the text in a concise and clear manner.

The author's full name. Written in full (not abbreviated) and without a title.

The full address of the author. The full name of the agency, the author's origin, the municipal agency's mailing address, postal code, and the country as well as the e-mail address for the correspondence.

Abstract and keywords. Abstracts must be presented in English and Indonesian. It should summarize the aim, method(s), and main result(s) of the research and their possible implications. If the paper is a survey paper, it must be indicated so in the abstract. List keywords no more than 6 words and represent the contents of the manuscript so that it makes it easier in the process of searching the manuscript. 

Introduction. In compiling the introduction, the author explains the following matters: (1) the importance of the field of research being studied, (2) explains specifically about matters relating to the research conducted that has been studied by other researchers as a basis for information, (3) explain the need for research understudy to fill the research gaps that have existed, (4) explain the purpose of the research.

Method or Model.  This method is optional for original research articles. This method is written descriptively and must provide a statement regarding the methodology used in the research. This method, as much as possible, gives an overview to the reader regarding the things that are done in the research, clear, complete, and structured. Highlight the approach to how data is analyzed, not how data is collected. This sub-chapter may also contain model construction which will be discussed in the results and discussion chapter.

Results and Discussion. The results and discussion present the results obtained briefly and can be supported by illustrations in the form of tables, pictures, or qualitative descriptions. Scientific findings obtained from the results of the research carried out are described in this chapter but must be supported by adequate data. The explanation of the findings in the research must be supported by relevant literature. The author is expected to dare to assess the strengths and weaknesses of research results obtained by comparing the results of research with hypotheses, quality standards, and/or the results of previous or similar research through the inclusion and use of primary reference libraries in the discussion. The discussion must have a clear relationship with important issues contained in the Introduction, be able to fill gaps or gaps that must be answered in the research, and be able to answer the research objectives. The impact of the research conducted should also be described at the end of the discussion.

Conclusion. A statement of conclusions must be made carefully and carefully. In conclusion, the author must only answer the problem and research objectives that have been formulated in the Introduction, and not as a summary of the results of the study. Without clear Conclusions, reviewers and readers will find it difficult to judge the work, and whether or not it is worthy of publication in continuing.

Acknowledgments (optional). Include the names of agencies that have contributed to helping the implementation of research. Also, include the name of the research funding agency.

References. The reference at the end of the text must be written by the following example. Quote only the items that you have read. It is recommended to use Manager Reference Applications such as EndNoteMendeleyZotero, etc. Use other articles published in the same journal as the model. All publications cited in the text must be included as a list of Bibliographies with the IEEE Style. The reference composition used must consist of 80% of primary references (journals, proceedings) and a maximum of 20% of secondary references (textbooks) published in the last five years, and each article has a minimum of 15-20 references (references prioritized from International Journal). Include the DOI address on the reference you cite. 

Examples of citations and reference writing for journal articles can be seen in [1]-[3], reference types of proceedings seen in [4][5], reference type/ thesis/ dissertation seen in [6]-[8] Furthermore, reference to the type of book is seen in [9] and references in the form of websites are seen in [10]. Meanwhile [11] shows examples of citations and reference writing in the form of articles in the book (Book Section). 

[1] R. Resmawan, P. Sianturi, and E. H. Nugrahani, “The Analysis of SEIRS-SEI Epidemic Models on Malaria with Regard to Human Recovery Rate,” Aceh Int. J. Sci. Technol., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 132–140, Mar. 2018, doi: 10.13170/aijst.6.3.9303.

[2] S. Ding, “A novel discrete grey multivariable model and its application in forecasting the output value of China’s high-tech industries,” Comput. Ind. Eng., vol. 127, pp. 749–760, 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.cie.2018.11.016.

[3] H. S. Panigoro, R. Resmawan, A. T. R. Sidik, N. Walangadi, A. Ismail, and C. Husuna, “A Fractional-Order Predator-Prey Model with Age Structure on Predator and Nonlinear Harvesting on Prey,” Jambura J. Math., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 355–366, Jul. 2022, doi: 10.34312/jjom.v4i2.15220.

[4]       R. Resmawan, “Model Epidemik SEIRS-SEI Penyebaran Penyakit Malaria dengan Vaksinasi dan Pengobatan,” in Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika IndoMS Wilayah Sulawesi, 2017, pp. 128–140.

[5]       B. N. Ruchjana, S. A. Borovkova, and H. P. Lopuhaa, “Least-squares estimation of Generalized Space-Time AutoRegressive (GSTAR) model and its properties,” in The 5th International Conferences on Research and Education in Mathematics, 2012, pp. 61–64.

[6]       S. O. S. P. Ahaya, “Analisis Kestabilan Model Epidemik dengan Vaksinasi pada Penyakit Campak,” Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, 2019.

[7]       D. Wungguli, B. P. Silalahi, and S. Guritman, “Metode Steepest Descent dengan Ukuran Langkah Baru dalam Pengoptimuman Nirkendala,” Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor, 2015.

[8]       A. Thiele, “A robust optimization approach to supply chains and revenue management,” Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.

[9]       A. Rorres, An Introduction to Linear Algebra, 4 Edition. London: Pearson, 2017.

[10]     U. S. G. Survey, “Science Application for Risk Reduction,” 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15-Oct-2018].

[11]     P. van den Driessche and J. Watmough, “Further Notes on the Basic Reproduction Number,” in Mathematical Epidemiology, Victoria: Springer, 1945.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  7. As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

    1. The manuscript has not been published at all before or and not considered for publication in another journal.
    2. Writing must be in accordance with the guidelines of writing a journal article EULER
    3. Writing or article in accordance with the template provided.
    4. Article Processing Charges (APCs)
  8. If the journal editorial accepts the manuscript for publication after the peer review, the author is willing to pay the publication fees [Article Processing Charges (APCs)]. We will inform you about the payment once the manuscript receives approval for publication.



Copyright Notice

Please find rights and licenses in Euler : Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika, Sains dan Teknologi. By submitting article manuscripts, the author agrees to this policy. No special documents required.

1. License

The use of articles will be governed by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC).

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Euler: Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika, Sains dan Teknologi spirit is to disseminate articles published are as free as possible. Under the Creative Commons license, Euler permits users to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work. Users will also need to attribute authors and Euler to distributing works in the journal and other media of publications.

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  • Copyright and other proprietary rights relating to the article, such as patent rights,
  • The right to use the substance of the article in own future works, including lectures and books,
  • The right to reproduce the article for own purposes,
  • The right to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the article's published version (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal (Euler).

5. Co-Authorship

If the article was jointly prepared by more than one author, any authors submitting the manuscript warrants that he/she has been authorized by all co-authors to be agreed on this copyright and license notice (agreement) on their behalf, and agrees to inform his/her co-authors of the terms of this policy. Euler will not be held liable for anything that may arise due to the author(s) internal dispute. Euler will only communicate with the corresponding author.

6. Royalties

Being an open accessed journal and disseminating articles for free under the Creative Commons license term mentioned, author(s) aware that Euler entitles the author(s) to no royalties or other fees.


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