Yamin Ismail


Math phobias are anxiety on math skills that happen to most learners. Anxiety is demonstrated by the existence of continuous fear against the object of mathematics and its learning situation. To avoid this, the facilitator must create a situation that allows the learners to build their confidence in math tasks. Math is characterized by abstract ideas in the form of abstract symbols that require delivery within a less abstract language to avoid understanding the idea. A positive attitude towards mathematics appears closely related to the previous experience in both the mathematical object and the classroom situation. Therefore, developing a positive attitude against math phobia requires the content to be delivered in an attractive manner in every learning process. The presentation of mathematical formulas should be adjusted according to the learning basic ability and sometimes accompanied by an inductive approach. As the facilitator of learning, the teacher must seek a learning environment that can encourage learners to behave positively and passionately in learning mathematics.


Positive Attitude; Mathematics Phobia; Mathematics Learning

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 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
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 Euler : Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika, Sains dan Teknologi (p-ISSN: 2087-9393 | e-ISSN:2776-3706) by Department of Mathematics Universitas Negeri Gorontalo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.  Powered by Public Knowledge Project OJS.