Penerapan Collective Risk Model dalam Penentuan Premi Asuransi Bencana Alam

Feby Indriana Yusuf, Puti Zakiyah Raisa Adi, Trecy Elisabet Tioralina Saragih


Indonesia is prone to natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis due to tectonic activity involving the Indo-Australian and Eurasian plates. Therefore, the government introduced natural disaster insurance in 2018 to mitigate financial losses caused by such events. This study employs the Collective Risk Model (CRM) to determine premium rates. The Poisson process and Gamma distribution are utilized to estimate the frequency and severity of natural disasters. Estimation is performed using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE), while premiums are calculated based on the expected value and variance of aggregate risk using the Expected Value Principle and the Standard Deviation Principle. The results show that the expected value and variance of claim frequency are both . Furthermore, claims for losses follow the Gamma distribution, with an expected value and variance of  and . The mean and variance of aggregate claims are Rp  and Rp . The Standard Deviation Principle produces lower premiums than the Expected Value Principle under the same loading factor.


Collective Risk Model; Insurance Premium; Natural Disaster Insurance; Poisson Process

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