Non-Penal Policy In Tackling Cyber-Bullying Through Integrated Cyber-Prevention

Cici Riski Sufi Amalia, Arista Ulfa Anggraini, Dominikus Rato, Fendi Setyawan


Technological developments have given rise to new digital crimes. One of them is the crime of cyberbullying, which has become a crucial problem that requires serious attention. Considering the effects of crimes that do not only affect the physical and psychological disorders of their victims, overcoming cyberbullying is not enough just through prosecution or repressive efforts. In addition, there are still weaknesses in the legal provisions in Indonesia. Alternative efforts are needed to prevent and minimize cyberbullying crimes. The purpose of this research is to find out how the form of weaknesses in the regulation of cyberbullying crimes in Indonesian legislation and how efforts to prevent cyberbullying crimes through integrated cyber prevention. this research is a type of juridical-normative research. The results show that the crime of cyberbullying has been accommodated with several provisions of laws and regulations in Indonesia, but there are no provisions of articles whose formulations specifically and limitatively regulate the elements of the crime. integrated cyber prevention by combining technological approaches and prevention based on educational approaches. This includes the provision of parental control functions to prevent the spread of negative content that leads to cyberbullying on smartphones and PC applications. In addition, the government's prevention efforts are also carried out through counseling, education, campaigns, and community support, as well as the establishment of a cybercrime division by the National Police Headquarters to prevent and prosecute cyberbullying crimes.


cyberbullying;Non Penal Policy;Integrated Prevention;Weakness Regulation

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