Formulasi Dan Evaluasi Sediaan Perona Pipi Dalam Bentuk Compact Powder Menggunakan Zar Pewarna Alami Ekstrak Kulit Buah Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana L.)
Mangosteen rind contains anthocyanin pigments which can be used as natural dyes in cosmetics. One type of cosmetic that women currently favor is blush preparations, so it is necessary to develop mangosteen rind extract in the form of blush preparations. This study aims to formulate and evaluate blush preparations. This research is experimental laboratory research. Blush preparations are made in the three formulas with different concentrations of mangosteen rind extract, namely FI (7%), FII (14%), and FIII (21%). Evaluation of blush preparations included an organoleptic test, homogeneity test, pH test, friability test, and irritation test. The result of examining the quality of organoleptic preparations showed that the higher the concentration of mangosteen rind extract, the higher the color intensity produced, the homogeneity test showed a homogeneous preparation, the pH test was 6,4-6,6, the friability test showed a compact preparation, the irritation test showed that the preparation did not cause irritation. Based on this, it can be concluded that mangosteen rind extract can be used as an alternative dye and formulated as a blush preparation.
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