Formulasi dan Evaluasi Sediaan Masker Lumpur Ekstrak Bunga Rosella (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) menggunakan Basis Bentonit dan Kaolin

Robert Tungadi, Nur Ain Thomas, Mohamad Aprianto Paneo, Restiva Putri Monoarfa


Rosella flower is a plant that has an antioxidant effect because it contains anthocyanins which belong to the flavonoid group, so is necessary to develop rosella flower extract in the form of mud mask preparations. This study aims to formulate and evaluate mud mask preparations with 70% ethanol extract. This research is a laboratory experimental research. Mud mask preparations were made of three formulas with the same concentration of active sunstance, namely FI, FII, FII (5%), and different concentrations of kaolin : bentonite mud base, namely FI (25% : 2%), FII (30% : 2%), FIII (35% : 2%). Evaluation of mud mask preparations included organoleptic observations (aroma, color, texture), pH test, homogeneity test, viscosity test, spreadability test, adhesion test, and hedonic test. The results of organoleptic quality inspection showed that the preparation's thickness increased with the concentration of mud base in the mud mask; the pH test was 6,4-6,6; the homogeneity test showed that mud mask preparation was homogeneous; the viscosity test  was 1440 cP, 1680 cP, 1920 cP; the spreadability test was 6.6-6.4 cm; the adhesion test was 06-03 seconds; and the hedonic test obtained FIII as the most preferred by respondents. Therefore, it can be concluded that FI, FII, and FIII based on rosella flower extract can be formulated as mud mask.


Rosella flower extract; Kaolin; Bentonite; Mud Mask

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