Comparison Study of Caffeine Levels of Coffee Bean (Coffea Sp.) and Brands of Coffee Powder Circulate in Banda Aceh City

Andre Prayoga, Zumaira Zumaira


Coffee is one of the plantation commodities that has a fairly high economic value compared to other plantation crops and plays an important role as a source of foreign exchange for the country. Caffeine belongs to the methylxanthine group of compounds. Methylxanthine is a naturally occurring compound and belongs to the xanthine derivative which is a group of alkaloid compounds. To determine the difference in caffeine content between coffee beans and coffee grounds circulating in supermarkets in Banda Aceh. This type of research is a descriptive method with a purposive sampling method used. This research was carried out by analyzing the levels of caffeine in coffee beans and packaged coffee powder circulating in supermarkets in the city of Banda Aceh by UV-Vis Spectrophotometry. The results obtained from the manufacture of standard solutions are 273,20 nm, the correlation coefficient value is r of 0.99995, and the equation y = 0.0483x + 0.01098. From the research data obtained caffeine levels, namely samples of Robusta coffee beans with 0.305%, samples of Meulawi Coffee powder with 0.402%, samples of Arabica Coffee beans with 0.815%, samples of Solong Coffee powder with 1.498%, samples of King Coffee coffee powder with 2.256%. The highest level is in King Coffee powder with 2.256% and the lowest is boiled coffee beans with 0.305%. The difference in caffeine content of each coffee sample is caused by various factors, namely the method of roasting, storage, and treatment.


Banda Aceh City; Caffein; Coffea sp; Coffea beans; UV-Vis Spectrophotometry

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