Formulasi dan Evaluasi Stabilitas Fisik Krim Caffein Herbasome®

Robert Tungadi, A. Mu`thi Andy Suryadi, Mohamad Aprianto Paneo, Muhammad Taupik


A cream is a semi-solid dosage containing one or more dissolved or dispersed suitable base restorative materials. Caffeine herbasome® can efficiently modulate the barrier properties of the stratum corneum and transport its active ingredients deep into the skin, which can effectively treat cellulitis, reduce hair loss, and protect the skin in various ways. This study aims to formulate and evaluate cream preparations. As an experimental laboratory research, the cream preparations are made in the form of three formulas with Caffein Herbasome® concentration, which are F1(1%), F2(1%), and F3 (1%). Evaluation of cream preparations includes organoleptic test, homogeneity test, pH test, dispersal test, adhesion test, and viscosity test. The observations showed that all three creams have the active substance's characteristic color and aroma. The three cream preparations proved stable in organoleptic testing. Besides, the homogeneity test shows a homogeneous preparation, and the pH test is 5,57-6,69. Different dispersal diameters are obtained from the measurements, where the cream formula in formula 1 has a diameter of 6 cm, formula 2 has a diameter of 5,7, and formula 3 has a diameter of 5 cm. The dispersion and adhesion power may be varied since a high concentration of stearic acid may increase the viscosity. Therewithal, the higher the concentration of stearic acid, the smaller the area of spread produced; the higher the concentration of stearic acid, the longer the adhesion time of the cream produced. In conclusion, the three cream preparations meet the requirements of a suitable adhesion test and can be applied to the skin.


Caffein Herbasome®; Anti-cellulite; Cosmetics; Cream

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