Pengaruh Konseling Terhadap Kepatuhan Penggunaan Obat Anti Tuberkulosis Pada Pasien Tuberkulosis di Puskesmas Gorontalo

Nur Rasdianah, Juliyanti Akuba, Widy Susanti Abdulkadir, Teti Sutriyati Tuloli, fitra sari dalanggo


Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease and remains to be a public health issue in developing countries. Thus, the level of adherence to taking anti-tuberculosis drugs is a vital factor for patient recovery. Counseling strategy is needed in the form of education and direct and intensive distribution of questionnaires and pill count data collection sheets to patients. Therefore, patients can carry out direct counseling and consultation with researcher to obtain information about TB disease and the level of patients' adherence and to have positive behavior for increasing the efficacy of treatment by taking combination drugs and having routine control to the puskesmas. The research aimed to determine the effect of counseling on adherence won taking anti-tuberculosis drugs (OAT) in tuberculosis patients. This research employed a pre-experimental design with a pre-test and post-test group approach on 32 respondents. This research method used pill count sheets and questionnaire sheets to identify the level of medication adherence. The findings revealed that based on the results of MARS questionnaire which has been analyzed through t-test (paired sample t-test). tcount was higher than ttable or 27.781 > 2.042, and the value of Sig. (2 tailed) = 0,000 < 0,05 . in other words, there was an effect of counseling on adherence to take anti-tuuberculosis drugs in tuberculosis patients at puskemas Kota Timur. Meanwhile, the results of pill count sheet indicated 11 non-adherent respondents with a percentage of 34,4% and 21 adherent respondents with a percentage of 65,6% . after analysis test using Mc Nemar test, it showed that there was significance between before and after, namely Sig. (2 tailed) = 0,000 where < 0,05. Thus, it confirmed a difference in counseling on adherence to taking anti-tuberculosis drugs in tuberculosis patients at Puskesmas Kota Timur, Gorontalo.


Adherence of tuberculosis patient; Pill count; MARS questionnaire

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