Gambaran Efek Samping DMPA (Depo-Medroxyprogesterone Acetate) di Puskesmas X Kabupaten Kuburaya Kalimantan Barat

Khristiani Novarianda, Muhanmad Akib Yuswar, Hadi Kurniawan


An overview of the side effects of Depo-Medroxyprogresterone Acetate (DMPA) in the working area of the X Health Center in 2021 using a questionnaire as a research tool. This study was conducted to see an overview of the side effects of 3-month injectable family planning (Depo Medroxyprogresterone Acetate (DMPA)) by collecting data through a questionnaire. The tests carried out in this study were Univariate Analysis (Respondent Characteristics), as well as an overview of the side effects of DMPA drugs that have been experienced. The age of most users of 3-month DMPA injections is 20-35 years old that is 40 respondents (66.67%), aged over 35 years is 20 respondents (33.33%) and there are no users under 20 years old. The type of occupation of respondents who have the most jobs is housewives as many as 46 respondents (76.67%), entrepreneurs as many as 5 respondents (8.33%), civil servants as many as 2 respondents (3.33%), and other than the jobs mentioned as many as 7 respondents (11.67%). The highest level of education is for respondents with a high school education namely 26 respondents (43.33%), elementary school as many as 14 respondents (23.33%), bachelor's degree as many as 13 respondents (21.67%), junior high school as many as 6 respondents (10%), Diploma III as many as 1 person (1.67%). This study conclued that occupation, ages of user, level of education can effect it's ussers for having side effects of DMPA.


Depo-Medroxyprogresterone Acetate; DMPA; Side effects; Univariate Analysis

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