Evaluasi Pelayanan Informasi Obat pada Pasien Rawat Jalan di Puskesmas X Kabupaten Bangkalan

April Nuraini, Dianita Rahayu, Ratri Rokhani, Halimatus Sa’diyah, Bella Fevi Aristia, Arista Wahyu Ningsih


Drug Information Service is a service activity carried out by pharmacists to provide accurate, unbiased and up-to-date drug information to patients, doctors, pharmacists, nurses, and other health professionals. One of the causes of non-compliance is due to a lack of information about drugs. In an effort to support high-quality services at the Puskesmas, the Pharmacy Installation at the Puskesmas X needs to evaluate information on drug services for outpatients. The purpose of this study was to determine the realization of drug information services for outpatients at the Pharmacy Installation of the Puskesmas X when compared to the desired target. This research is a descriptive research by looking at primary data. The sample in this study were outpatients at the Puskesmas X  in May 2023. The data collection method in this study used the non-participatory observation method where the research conducted observations and recorded systematically using a checklist containing drug information components. To find out the comparison of realization with the desired target, interest analysis is used. The results of research on standards for drug information services at the Puskesmas X achieved 100% information on drug names, drug doses, how to use drugs and drug indications. Drug information services are not provided entirely regarding drug preparation information (85.7%), drug storage (92.9%), drug contraindications (71.4%), drug stability (85.7%), drug side effects (78 .6%) and drug interactions (71.4%).


PIO; Patients; Puskesmas; Outpatients

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37311/ijpe.v3i3.22891


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