Monitoring Efek Samping Infus Vitamin C High Dose di Klinik X Malang

Cornelia Dina Prameswari, Novyananda Salmasfattah, Agung Permata


Vitamin C is one of the components that most often appears in beauty products. Due to its antioxidant qualities, vitamin C is recognized as having various health benefits. The known or registered intake of vitamin C in PerBPOM is <500mg – 1000mg). Vitamin C overdose can cause unpleasant side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and even insomnia. The aim of this study was to determine the side effects of vitamin C infusion and the correctness of its use in young women at Clinic X, Malang City. This research method is a type of non-experimental quantitative research with a descriptive approach to find out what percentage (%) of patients experience side effects. This research uses data collection techniques using Purposive Sampling. The samples that can be used are 97 samples. Based on clinical research. The results of this study showed that the patients were female (100%), mostly 22 years old (18.5%), 53 patients (54.6%) were working and 39 patients had an average of more than 1 million rupiah (39). 40.2% ), 32 patients (32.9%) received two treatments and 97 patients (100%) did not feel any side effects at Clinic X, Malang City because they were still at the usual dose.


Monitoring Side Effects; Infuse Vitamin C; High Dose

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