Penentuan Kadar Fenol Total Ekstrak Sarang Semut (Myrmecodia Pendands) dengan Metode Ekstraksi yang Berbeda

Diyani Priyanti, Rizki Febriyanti, Kusnadi Kusnadi


The majority of chemicals found in plants that function as natural antioxidants are phenolic compounds. Sarang semut (Myrmecodia pendands) is a plant that has a lot of potential as a natural antioxidant. Research on ant nests is very interesting because the place of origin of this plant, namely Papua, has shown through direct experience that this plant can effectively treat various health problems. Sarang semut has antioxidant properties due to its flavonoid, tannin and polyphenol content. Apart from its antioxidant properties, the active polyphenol chemicals found in sarang semut have been proven to have antibacterial, antidiabetic and anticancer properties. This study aims to test the total phenolic content of various sarang semut extraction methods. Sarang semut were extracted using the 96% ethanol solvent reflux method, 96% ethanol solvent maceration, and boiling. Phenolic compounds were identified using FeCl3 color reagent and total phenolic content was determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu method using UV-Vis spectrophotometry at 750 nm. The highest phenol content in ant nest extract was obtained from reflux extract at 40.61%, followed by boiling at 32.64%, and maceration at 28.63%. Thus it is known that the extraction method has a significant effect on the total phenol content of sarang semut extract (Myrmecodia pendands).


Sarang semut; Total phenol; Extraction; UV-Vis Spectrophotometry

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