Analisa Pola Penggunaan Dan Ketepatan Dosis Obat Pasien Stroke Iskemik Di Rsud Mardi Waluyo Kota Blitar

Erni Anika Sari, Shofiatul F, Esti Ambarwati W, Vira Yunita


Stroke is an acute manifestation of a deficit or disturbance of function of the nervous system that persists for ≥ 24 hours and is caused by cerebral circulation disorders. Ischemic stroke occurs in 80% of patients diagnosed with stroke, which is a blockage in a blood vessel due to an embolism or thrombus. The multifactorial causes of stroke mean that there is no treatment that is totally effective in overcoming the disease, so that stroke treatment itself is referred to as integrated treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the pattern of use and dosage accuracy of ischemic stroke drugs which include fibrinolytic, anticoagulant, antiplatelet, antihypertensive and neuroprotectant groups for inpatients at Mardi Waluyo Hospital, Blitar City. This research method is descriptive and data collection is based on medical record data of stroke patients undergoing hospitalization at Mardi Waluyo Hospital for the year 2022. The results of the study obtained 113 sample data showing patterns of use of the most frequently used class of drugs, namely the Antiplatelet + combination Neuroprotectant in 29% (33 patients) and single class Antiplatelet in 13% (15 patients). The antiplatelets that the patient got were Aspirin, Clopidogrel and a combination of both. Evaluation of dosage accuracy based on the 2019 AHA found innaccurate Telmisartan and Citicoline dosages.


Ischemic Stroke; Dosage; Drugs

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