Pengaruh Penambahan Emulgator Gelatin, Gom Arab, dan Karagenan Terhadap Sifat Fisik Yoghurt Daily Yo Rasa Durian

Siti Nani Nurbaeti, Hannan Anugrah, Hariyanto IH


Daily Yo is a yoghurt product that uses low fat milk as raw material. This causes the total fat solids in the yoghurt to decrease so that the resulting yoghurt becomes unstable. Efforts to improve this can be done by adding an emulgator. This study aims to evaluate the physical properties of Daily Yo yoghurt with a variety of 3 emulsifiers, namely gelatin, gum arabic, and carrageenan. There are four formulations, namely: F0 (without the addition of emulsifier or control); F1 (addition of 0.1% gelatin emulsifier); F2 (addition of 0.1% gum arabic emulgator); F3 (addition of 0.1% carrageenan emulsifier). The quality parameters tested included organoleptic tests, pH tests, syneresis tests, viscosity tests and their stability was analyzed on days 1, 7 and 14. The organoleptic test results obtained were white in color, typical durian aroma and taste, liquid-thick texture, and homogeneous consistency. F3 has the best results compared to the other two formulas, namely a pH value of 4.29 ± 0.21, a syneresis value of 68.03% ± 6.48, and a viscosity value of 303.34(Cp) ± 36.83 in accordance with the Standard Indonesian National. In F1 and F2 the pH values produced are within the SNI range but have less stable syneresis and viscosity results. Three types of emulsifiers can influence physical characteristics with the addition of carrageenan emulsifier showing the best texture from the viscosity test results but not better than the control formula.


Emulsifier; Physical Properties; Yoghurt

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