Analisis Pola Peresepan di Klinik Universitas Jember Medical Center (UMC) berdasarkan Indikator WHO

Stefani Galuh Ajeng Hapsari, Fransiska Maria Christianty, Ika Norcahyanti


Irrational drug use will cause medication errors. WHO prescribing indicators are used to identify problems in prescribing, resulting in the prevention of several problems such as failure therapy, increasing adverse drug reactions (ADR) and antibiotic resistance, drug dependence, wasting money and medicines, and even death. This study aimed to analyze the prescribing characteristics at the UMC Clinic and then compare the data with WHO prescribing indicators. The research used proportional purposive sampling and descriptive methods by taking prescription data sources from 432 adult patients in 2022, supported by medical records. Prescribing characteristics, diagnosis, type of drug used, and prescribing indicators were analyzed and compared with WHO standards.  Based on WHO indicators, the result analysis showed that the average number of drugs per prescription sheet is 3.38 ± 0.27; the percentage of drugs prescribed generic names was 64.75%; prescriptions with antibiotics was 37.27%; and drugs according to the National Formulary was 58.64%. The percentage of prescriptions for injectable drugs (2.31%) was the only indicator that meets the recommended range. Although most of the indicators do not meet the recommended range, these findings can provide an overview of the prescribing profile but cannot assess the rationality of prescribing, so further research is needed.


Prescription Patterns; WHO Indicators; Medication error; Clinic

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