Formulasi dan Uji Stabilitas Tablet Effervecent Propolis Homotrigona fimbriata
Homotrigona fimbriata propolis is known to have good bioactivity potential. However, only a few are used in pharmaceutical dosage forms, especially effervescent tablets. The purpose of this study was to make effervecent tablets from propolis H. fimbriata. The 96% methanol propolis extract was used and wet granulation was used for making effervecent tablet granulation. The tests carried out in this study have 2 parts in the granulation (moisture, flow properties, and compressibility) and the tablet (organoleptic, hardness, friability, dissolving time). The results showed the moisture value was 0.90%, flow properties 0.62 g/sec, compressibility 10.45%, first day hardness 41.51 kgf, fragility 3.09%, dissolving time averaged 4.03 minutes. These three formulas can produce different evaluation results due to the influence of several things such as concentration, acid and base reactions when adding binders, mixing external phases, dry sieving, pressing tablets, as well as the humidity conditions of the room where the research was carried out.
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