Kajian Penggunaan Obat Yang Rasional Pada Faringitis Akut di Puskesmas X Karanganyar

Meta Kartika Untari, Siti Fatimah, Hapsari Duanda Putri, Aisyah Riska Rahmawati, Destihany Azzahra Puteri, Syahla Qutratu’ain


Pharyngitis is included in the category of acute respiratory infections (ISPA), pharyngitis is an infection or inflammation that occurs in the pharynx (throat). Treatment that can be done to treat acute pharyngitis is antibiotic and corticosteroid therapy. Inappropriate prescribing can cause increased side effects. This study aims to examine the rationale for using antibiotics in pharyngitis patients according to the IDAI guidelines for the 2008 Pediatric Respirology Textbook and the rationale for using corticosteroids according to the MIMS guidelines based on accuracy of indication, dose, duration of use and frequency of drug administration. This research design uses descriptive analysis with a cross-sectional retrospective method. The inclusion criteria for this study were prescriptions and complete and readable medical record data for children aged 3-14 years with a diagnosis of acute pharyngitis, medical record number, name, age, gender, temperature, doctor's assessment, drug name, dosage potency, form preparation, and method of administration. Data collection was carried out by collecting samples from secondary data in the form of prescriptions and medical records of pharyngitis patients at the Karanganyar Community Health Center in March – May 2023. The results of this study showed that antibiotics were mostly used in girls (57.83%), aged 3 -5 years (23%), at body temperature 36℃ (87.35%). The appropriateness of the use of antibiotics and corticosteroids based on the 2008 IDAI Children's Respirology Textbook and MIMS guidelines is still not appropriate. The results of the use of antibiotics were based on the 2008 IDAI Children's Respirology Textbook and MIMS   guidelines, namely 100% correct indication, 89.76% correct dose, 10.90% correct duration of use, and 96.98% frequency of administration. Based on the appropriate length of use of antibiotics, only a few have the right length of use because the use of antibiotic drugs is not in accordance with standards, and the duration of administration of antibiotics is too short, too fast or too short. The results obtained from the use of corticosteroid drugs based on the MIMS guidelines were 100% correct indication, 98.2% correct dose, 94.58% correct duration of use, and 100% correct frequency of administration.


Pharyngitis; Right Indication; Right Dosage; Right Duration of Use; Right Frequency of Medication

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37311/ijpe.v4i1.25016


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