Studi Penggunaan Obat Antihipertensi Pada Pasien Chronic Renal Failure

Ni Made Maharianingsih, Dhiancinantyan Windidaca Brata Putri


Kidney failure is a world health problem with increasing prevalence, morbidity, and mortality rates. Kidney disease is divided into 2, acute kidney failure (acute kidney disease) and chronic kidney failure (chronic kidney disease). Hypertension occurs in 80 - 85% of patients with chronic renal failure. Management of hypertension can slow the progression of chronic kidney disease and reduce cardiovascular complications. The study aimed to determine the use of antihypertensive medicines in chronic renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis. The research method used was analytical observational with a cross-sectional study. Retrospective data collection at RSU X in the Gianyar-Bali region. The research sample was medical record data from patients with chronic kidney disease who underwent hemodialysis with hypertension complications and received hypertension treatment in January-December 2023. The sampling technique was a purposive sampling of 80 medical records. Data analysis is descriptive-analytical. Data taken includes patient characteristics such as age, gender, comorbidities, and medicine use including medicine class, type of medicine, and dose of antihypertensive medicines. The results obtained were that the majority of patients were aged 45-59 years (60%), the majority were male (56%), and had comorbid anemia (35%). The most common pattern of antihypertensive medicine use based on therapy group was patients with a single antihypertensive medicine in the calcium channel blocker (CCB) class (40%), while patients with combinations of two medicines were CCB+ARB (20%). The most common type of hypertension medication in kidney failure patients was amlodipine 5 mg (24%) while in the ARB group, it was candesartan (15%). It was concluded that the most common use of antihypertensive medicines was single therapy and combination therapy of 2 medicines, namely amlodipine and a combination of candesartan and amlodipine.


Medicine use; Antihypertensives; Chronic renal failure

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