Artikel Review: Pengaruh Pemberian Induksi Aloksan Terhadap Gula Darah Tikus
Diabetes mellitus is known as a condition where metabolic disorders occur accompanied by increased blood sugar levels in the body. Antidiabetic agent testing was developed using experimental animals and involves chemical components that have diabetogenic agents. Alloxan is one of several chemical compound options that is often used to determine the incidence of diabetes in experimental animals in research. This literature review aims to examine and provide a brief overview of the effect of administering alloxan on rat blood sugar. The preparation of this review article was carried out using the literature study method in the form of literature searches in the form of articles, national and international journals online through databases (Google scholar, PubMed, NCBI). Alloxan had a significant effect in increasing blood sugar levels in mice. Hyperglycemia that occurs in mice after alloxan induction is caused by the specific and very toxic activity of alloxan, resulting in damage to pancreatic β-cells and causing a lack of insulin production. Based on the results of the literature search, it can be concluded that alloxan is a diabetogenic agent that can significantly increase blood sugar levels in experimental animal models.
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