Profil Sebaran Antibiotik Berdasarkan Klasifikasi AWaRe dan Potensi Risiko Resistensi di Indonesia

Adi Rahmadi, Sari Indah Susilowati, Ani Pahriyani


The prevalence of antibiotic use globally increased by 65% in 2000 – 2015 in 76 countries with an average increase in consumption of 39% of the prescribed daily dose per 1,000 patient-days.  Apart from that, several antibiotics have experienced resistance in more than 50% of their total use, namely ampicillin, co-amoxiclav, tetracycline, sulfonamides, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin and erythromycin. Indonesian FDA conducts drug sampling, including antibiotics, based on risk analysis and representativeness of products in circulation. This study aims to determine the distribution profile of antibiotics based on the AWaRe classification in provinces and various islands in Indonesia so that it can describe the distribution of antibiotics in these areas and as initial information in managing the control of antimicrobial resistance. Research data is secondary data taken from antibiotic sampling data for 2021-2022 carried out randomly by the Indonesian FDA throughout Indonesia. Sampling data collection uses the stratified random sampling method so that it can represent the existing population. Descriptive analysis is presented in tabular form, percentage distribution graphs and distribution maps. The data processed is in the form of antibiotic sampling results which are classified in the WHO AWaRe category and grouped according to sampling locations throughout Indonesia. Based on the sampling results of the distribution of antibiotics in 2021, the Access category is 69.18%, Watch 30.75% and Reserved 0.07%. Distribution of antibiotics in 2022 in the Access category 66.82%, Watch 33.13% and Reserved 0.05%. The highest potential risk of antibiotic resistance is in Papua Province at 139.06. The largest distribution of antibiotics in Indonesia based on the AWaRe category is in the Access and Watch options.


Antibiotic; AWaRe clasification; Profile

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