Studi in Vitro Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Sirih Merah (Piper crocatum) terhadap Bakteri Salmonella typhi

Fitri A. S Kasudaha, Ismail Rahman, Nurul Muhlisa Mus, Muhammad Subhan A. Sibadu


Salmonella typhi bacteria is a microbe that causes serious diseases such as typhoid fever in humans. One of the plants used for herbal medicine is the red betel plant. It has long been used by people as a traditional medicine to treat various diseases because it contains compounds that have antibacterial activity. The aim of this research to determine the concentration and antibacterial sensitivity of red betel extract (Piper crocatum) against Salmonella typhi bacteria. The well diffusion method is carried out by making perpendicular holes in solid agar that has been inoculated with the test bacteria. The number and location of the holes are adjusted to the research objectives, then the holes are filled with the sample to be tested. A concentration of 80% was the most effective concentration to inhibit the growth of Salmonella typhi bacteria with an average inhibition zone of 14.13 mm, classified as strong. The higher the concentration of the extract, the higher the zone of inhibition that will be produced.


Salmonella typhi; red betel; Antibacterial

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