Constitutional Compliance Solution to Law Testing Rulings in the Constitutional Court

Tri Sulistyowati, Ali Ridho, M Imam Nasef


One of the current constitutional issues in Indonesia is the non-compliance of the decision to immediately follow up the decision of the Constitutional Court, which is final. This paper aims to analyze forms of non-compliance with the decision of the Constitutional Court and create a model that is expected to be a solution to the problem. This type of research is juridical normative by using secondary data processed by editing and systematization techniques.  The results showed the form of non-compliance of the decision of the Constitutional Court by the addresat of the decision is manifested in 3 (three) forms, namely normative, praxis, and normative and praxis forms. There are three proposed state-regulation solutions, namely judicial deferral by limiting the time of action, re-affirmation of judicial restraint, collaborative action, and collective awareness between state institutions.


Constitutional Court; Constitutional Compliance; Addressat Verdict

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