
Call for Paper 2023

Vol 5 No 2 May 2023. Deadline of online submission March 2023

Information For Authors

Article submissions to the Jambura Journal of Animal Science for the December and subsequent editions have been written in English. The editor does not accept articles that use Indonesian  
Posted: 2024-07-02

Information for Author

Based on editorial considerations, changes were made to the publication of Volume 6 Number 2 May 2024 so that the publication of Volume 6 Number 2 May 2024 was postponed.
1. Publication of Volume 6 Number 2 May 2024 in May is postponed until the end of June 2024
2. The article layout display which was originally 2 columns was changed to 1 column
3. Articles that have been completed and written in Indonesian are returned to the author to be converted into English. If the article has not been returned to the editor within the specified time period, we will postpone publication of the article.
4. Further information via email to each author
5. We apologize for the inconvenience
Posted: 2024-06-01

Call for papers 2023 Jambura Journal of Animal Science


This Journal is accredited with quality fourth grade (Sinta 4) by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. Republic of Indonesia Number: 158/E/KPT/2021

Posted: 2023-07-07