The purpose of this study was to determine the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of female Bali cattle in Atinggola District, North Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province. This study used a field experiment method in the form of direct observation and measurement of female Bali cattle based on the total population and livestock density in each village in Atinggola District. A total of 122 female Bali cattle aged 2-4 years were used as samples for observation and measurement. Bali cattle aged 2 <3 years have a white pattern on the butt (butt mirror) with clear boundaries of 74.64% and 25.33% without clear boundaries. The white pattern on the feet (socks) is clearly visible with the skin color on the legs 73.33% and 26.67% there is no dividing line between the body color and the white pattern on the legs (socks). Bali cattle aged 3 < 4 years have a white pattern on the butt (butt mirror) which is clearly demarcated by 63.83% and 36.17% without clear boundaries. The white pattern on the feet (socks) is well defined with body hair color 68.09% and 31.91% there is no clear boundary between body color and pattern color. Female Bali cattle aged 2 <3 aged 5.81-25.15, the average body length, chest circumference, and height were 93.91±9.29, 148.78±20.40 and 106, respectively, 10±6.16. Bali cattle aged 3<4 have a diversity of body size of 5.29-35.17%. The average values of chest circumference, body length, and height were 98.73±10.31, 144.22±14.62, 144.22±14.62, respectively. Female Bali cattle from Atinggola District, North Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo have qualitative characteristics that do not deviate from native Indonesian Bali cattle. Body size diversity of female Bali cattle aged 2 <3 was 5.81-25.15, while Bali cattle aged 3 <4 had body size diversity of 5.29-35.17%
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