Sri Suryaningsih Djunu


This study aims to test and evaluate the content of NDF, ADF and tannins in fermented Goroho banana peels. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) method with 6 treatments and 5 replications. The feed treatment consisted of T0: Goroho banana peels without fermentation, T1: Goroho banana peels fermented by Rhizopus oligosphorus 0.3% incubated for 48 hours,T2: Goroho banana peels fermented by Trichoderma viride 0.3% incubated for 120 hours. T3: Goroho banana peelsfermentedby Rhizopus oligosphorus 0.15% incubated for 48 hours, then continued with fermentation with Trichoderma viride 0.15% incubated for 120 hours. T4: Goroho banana peels fermented by Trichoderma viride 0.15% incubated for 120 hours, then continued with fermentation with Rhizopus oligosphorus 0.15% incubated for 48 hours. T5: Goroho banana peels fermented by Rhizopus oligosphorus 0.15% + Trichoderma viride 0.15% incubated for 120 hours. Variables consist of NDF, ADF and tannins content. The results showed that the fermentation of Goroho banana peels using Rhizophus oligosprus and Trichoderma viride (T1-T5) was not able to reduce the NDF and ADF fiber components, but it could reduce the tannins content by 64.24% from 0.56, decreased by 0.20% in T1 and 32.14% from 0.56 decreased to 0.51% at T4


Goroho Banana Peels, Fermentation, NDF, ADF, Tannins

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35900/jjas.v5i1.16858


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