Maryam Abusari


The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal cestodiasis in goats. The sample collection was carried out in September-October 2019 in Tilongkabila and Kabila Bone Districts. Examination of feces samples used the Native method, Sedimentation and Flotation. A total of 3 samples of goat feces from Tilongkabila District, and 6 samples of goat feces from Kabila Bone District contained Cestoda worm eggs. The prevalence of Cestodiasis in goats in Tilongkabila District is: 3.5%. The presence of cestodiasis in goats obtained by the Natif method: 0%, precipitation: 2.3% and flotation: 1.2%. The prevalence of Cestodiasis in goats in Kabila Bone District was: 6.6%. The presence of cestodiasis in goats produced based on the Native method: 1.1%, Precipitation: 3.3% and Flotation


Bone Bolango, Cestodiasis, Goat, Gastrointestinal, Prevalence

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